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How to Choose the  Perfect Sized Bernedoodle


A Bernedoodle is a unique mix of Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle. These breeds together find balance in a clever, goofy, and gentle companion. Their friendly and loyal disposition allows them to forge deep and meaningful relationships with their owners and families, other animals included.


However, if you begin looking into this breed, you’ll quickly realize there’re a few different labels [Micro, Mini, Medium, and Standard] that come from the size/breed of Poodle and the Bernese Mountain Dog it’s bred with. With each of these titles comes a different size, level of energy, and grooming requirements that must be considered to ensure your family matches with the perfect Bernedoodle for your lifestyle and home.


There are four main sizes of Bernedoodles, that offer a large variation in size:

• Standard

• Medium

• Mini

• Micro


Let us here at Down Home Doodle break all this down for you to ensure you have all the information you need to make the right choice:

Micro  Bernedoodle

Life Span: 12 to 15 years Average Height: 12 to 17 inches Average Weight: 15 to 25 pounds



Toy/mini Poodle / F1 Bernedoodle


The Micro is considered more of a non-shedding or minimal shedding Bernedoodle due to its poodle genes. As a result, these Bernedoodles will have more of a curly coat appearance, losing some of the wavy Bernese Mountain Dog coat. The micro may differ slightly in temperament from other Bernedoodles, as they tend to be more energetic similar to their toy poodle parent. This will result in a greater need for high-engagement toys and training in order to keep their focus and attention, as well as space and time for adequate play and exercise. Like all bernedoodles though, they are goofy and smart, they love people, and are great candidates for training.


Life Span: 12 to 18 years Average Height: 18 to 22 inches Average Weight: 25 to 40 pounds



Miniature Poodle to either a Bernedoodle or Bernese Mountain Dog


The Mini Bernedoodle is similar in personality to the Bernedoodle breed as a whole. They are very loyal and loving. In particular, they share a very similar temperament to the Micro Bernedoodle. They can have a higher tendency to bark. As is the case with many small dogs, they can be more easily provoked and stressed out. With effective training and anti-stress practices, this undesirable trait can be lessened. Don’t worry though, this doesn’t mean a Mini bernedoodle is always high-strung. When they have gone through training and feel secure and loved they can be very quiet and calm. Mini Bernedoodles are also higher in energy, requiring at least one hour, if not more, of physical activity a day. This can be done through space to run and play or going on walks/hikes, they’re even known to enjoy supervised swims! Although they are still low or minimal shedding, it’s important to engage in daily brushing to avoid matting in their thick coat.


Life Span: 12 to 16 years Average Height: 20 to 26 inches Average Weight: 40 to 50 pound



Parents can be either first-generation, standard size Bernedoodles or a Bernese Mountain Dog and a large Mini Poodle or Moyen Poodle.


Medium Bernedoodles have a very similar personality to Standard size Bernedoodles. They’re devoted, playful, affectionate, and calm. In comparison to smaller Bernedoodles, they have less of a tendency to bark as they’re significantly larger. And less high-strung. Medium Bernedoodles are still an active breed, requiring up to an hour of exercise. Exercise can be spread out throughout the day. Brushing and grooming are key to maintaining a healthy coat.


Life Span: 12 to 16 years Average Height: 23 to 29 inches Average Weight: 75+ pounds



Standard Poodle / Bernese Mountain Dog


A Standard Bernedoodle is the largest in size. They have a goofy, loyal and loveable temperament. They’re companion dogs that love to be around families and children. In comparison to the other sizes, Standard Bernedoodles have the most balanced personality. They inherit the playfulness and loving nature of Poodles and the calm nature of the Bernese Mountain Dog. A complete hour of exercise is still required, but a Standard Bernedoodle prefers to get this physical activity in shorter spurts throughout the day. Again, brushing and grooming the Bernedoodle are key to maintaining a healthy coat.

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Once you have decided that a Bernedoodle is the addition you’re seeking for your family, it’s a good idea to consider the personality, temperament, size, grooming needs, and exercise requirements of the different categories of Bernedoodles. Choosing the perfect match for your household, and lifestyle is essential in ensuring a positive experience, for both you and your Bernedoodle!

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