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Meet Todd! Todd is a F1 Mini Bernedoodle puppy. He is about six months old. He is an F1 generation (50% mini poodle, 50% Bernese). Todd has a long, beautiful soft coat and is about 30Ibs. He has been through our Little Paws program and is now looking for his family. Todd is a very calm pup with a reserved disposition. Once he bonds to someone, he follows them everywhere and won’t leave their side. He is not pushy about attention but wants to be with you all the time. He is very sweet and willing to please. He has all his basic commands mastered and is ready to continue his adventures with a family of his own.
Adoption $15,000
-Up-to-date on vaccines
-Up-to date on de-worming
-FREE delivery in the US
-Foreign delivery available
-FREE 2 day in-person transitional training session
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